"Reunification" of all Albanian lands "necessity" - Albanian paper
BBC Monitoring Europe (Political) - July 3, 2007 Tuesday

Text of report by Albanian newspaper Ballkan on 2 July

[Commentary by Mona Agrigoro: "Slav and Greek Deceptions Are Being Refuted"]

In an interview with Swiss daily Neue Zurcher Zeitung, Macedonia's Slav Foreign Minister Antonio Milosovski said Macedonia had "resolved the Albanian question," whereas with the Oher [Ohrid] Accord it had found a model of integration "from which other multinational states could learn."

This cynical statement by a minister who sits at the head of a system that represses the colonized Albanian population clearly shows what an anti-Albanian strategy means.

Milosovski invented a false status for the Albanian population, which is considered a "minority" in this artificial colonialist state, shifting the stress from its true nature to a deceptive conception of it that justifies the rule of the Slav Macedonians over the Albanian population under the guise of its multinational nature.

History has shown that this sinister conception spells only death, repression, and state terrorism, which the Albanian population will never be made to accept, with the exception of some collaborationists who are awarded political positions in order the serve the Slav Macedonians, just as has happened in the past. The Front for the National Unification of Albanians [FBKSh] considers the Oher Accord a disaccord destined to failure. Life is showing with every passing day the failure of this accord, as is borne out by the following facts:

"The Oher Accord stipulated that one of the highest functions of the FYROM - the president, the Assembly speaker, or the prime minister - should go to the Albanians. This was not done. The Oher Accord also spoke about an amnesty for the fighters of the Kosova [Kosovo] Liberation Army [UCK in Albanian, KLA in English]. This was not done either. On the contrary, Macedonia's prisons today are full of former UCK fighters who were not persuaded to profess their loyalty to the colonial regime of the Macedonian Slavs.

Hence, the attempt to consider the Oher Accord "a model for other multinational states" is another attempt to deceive the international community. Ever since it came into force, this accord has been implemented only to the extent it suits the interests of the political parties of Macedonia's Slavs, as it is an accord geared to the establishment of a coalition between the Slav occupiers and the Albanian-speaking collaborationists, an accord from which the latter have received only political positions and financial benefits, not state power. Just as in the past, state power in Macedonia is in the hands of the colonizers of over 16,000 square kilometres of Albanian land. The Albanian question is a question of colonial occupation, which is still unresolved due to the occupation and colonization of Albanian territories by the Serbs, Macedonian Slavs, Greeks, and Montenegrins ever since Kosova, the Vardar Valley (now under Macedonia), the Presheve [Presevo] Valley (now under Serbia), the Northern Highlands (now under Montenegro), and Cameria (now under Greece) were invaded by Serbia and Greece in 1912.

It must also be stressed that the Macedonian state, in its essence, is an artificial colonial state that did not exist before 1947 and that was formed only to repartition (for the second time, following the partitioning in 1913) the territories of natural Albania.

Milosovski is just as ludicrous when he tries to separate the question of the Albanians of Kosova from that of the Albanians of Macedonia. There is no question of the Albanians of Macedonia, or the Albanians of Serbia, or the Albanians of Northern Highlands, or the Albanians of Greece, or the Albanians of Montenegro! There is only the question of the Albanians, as an indivisible nation whose liberation and reunification into a national Albanian state in the Balkans has become a necessity of the time if ever we want the Balkans to lose once for all time its powder keg appellation and if ever we want to have peace, security, and stability in Europe, which can be achieved only with the establishment of ethnic states, such as ethnic Albania, ethnic Bulgaria, ethnic Greece, and - why not? - ethnic Serbia.

Source: Ballkan, Tirana, in Albanian 2 Jul 07

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