Written by: Andy Wilcoxson

Today was a marathon day at The Hague Tribunal. 5 different witnesses testified. The day began with the conclusion of the secret witness "C-1175." As you may remember from yesterday "C-1175" was a member of the Serbian T.O. in Dalj. He was a member of the T.O. for only one month before he quit. He left because of his regular job, and because he was angry at the T.O. commander because he wouldn't give him a fuel voucher.

"C-1175" established that the prison in Dalj was set up and ran by the T.O., and not by the JNA. As you may remember from yesterday the Dalj T.O. was made up exclusively of locals. The JNA had nothing whatsoever to do with the Dalj prison.

"C-1175" testified the day before about a group of men that had been taken to a farm and killed. These men were brought to the farm from Borovo Celo and killed by a group of civilians, not by the T.O., not by the police, and not by the JNA.

"C-1175" spoke of a chaotic situation were people would appoint themselves as the police, he referred to these people as "space police." All in all the war just sounded like a mess, but one thing was certain about C-1175's testimony, Slobodan Milosevic didn't have anything to do with anything that this witness testified about.

After "C-1175" finished another secret witness, a woman from Vukovar, testified under the pseudonym of "C-1071."

"C-1071" lost her husband during the war. The JNA evacuated the witness and her family from Vukovar along with some of their neighbors, she went directly to Serbia, but her husband had to stay behind to be checked by the JNA.

The witness confirmed that the JNA had in fact evacuated the people for their own protection, and not because of any other reason, and she testified that she never saw the JNA doing anything that was illegal.

According to an unnamed person that the witness knew, who was being checked by the JNA at the same time as her husband, the JNA took the men to a facility in Dalj to be checked. Her husband checked-out OK and was released by the JNA.

Her husband was supposed to come and find her with their relatives in Serbia after the JNA released him. Unfortunately, he never made it.

"C-1071" went to Dalj to investigate and try to find out what had happened to her husband. She found out in the course of speaking with people in Dalj that her husband had been attacked by a group of civilians after he was released by the JNA. His body was later found in a wooded area outside of town.

This is certainly a sad story that this woman lost her husband, but I fail to see what a group of civilian criminals who exploit a chaotic situation in a war, has to do with Milosevic. After all, he certainly didn't start the fighting in Vukovar. This witness testified that fighting only began in Vukovar after the Croats had blockaded the JNA barracks there.

Had there been no fighting in Vukovar there would never have been a need for any of this.

The next witness was a senile old Croat woman from Saboska named Anna Bitunic. She lost her husband too. She testified that her husband and some other men were shot by her house.

One minor problem with her testimony was that she had no idea who had shot her husband and the other men. She said it was men in uniforms, and so Milosevic asked her who's uniforms were they wearing? T.O. uniforms, JNA uniforms, or some other uniforms? Mrs. Bitunic did not know what sort of uniform that the people who shot her husband were wearing, she was at a loss. She had no idea who did it.

It is too bad that this woman lost her husband, but it could be seen from her testimony that she was half-crazy. She said that the Serbs were happy after the referendum in Croatia because they wanted to create "greater-Serbia" and that they were "happy because they could kill whoever they wanted to," and other such nonsense.

Obviously, with no idea who even committed the crime that she was testifying about; her testimony can be viewed as nothing other than a completely irrelevant waste of time that has nothing to do with Milosevic, or anybody else.

Actually, all of the testimony that has to do with Bosnia and Croatia is an irrelevant waste of time, as far as Milosevic is concerned, because Slobodan Milosevic was the president of Serbia and didn't have any command over any of the combatants in either Bosnia or Croatia.

After Mrs. Bitunic finished a man named Luka Shutalo was called. Mr. Shutalo was from Erdut, Croatia. He escaped from the war zone in 1991 by going to Serbia, where it just so happened that Slobodan Milosevic was the president, and guess what happened to him in Serbia? Nothing. Nobody did anything to him. He was free to do as he wished in Serbia.

In spite of the fact that going to Milosevic's Serbia "saved his neck," this witness nonetheless blamed Milosevic and what he called the "Yugo Army" (meaning the JNA) for everything.

This guy actually thought that it was Milosevic who was in command of the JNA. Milosevic asked the witness what on Earth would make him think that he was the commander of the JNA, but before the witness could answer, the so-called "judge" May jumped in and told the witness not to answer, and Milosevic not to ask those sorts of questions.

Mr. Shuralo claimed that he had been taken prisoner and that he was mistreated at the prison in Dalj, which he said was not even ran by what he considered to be "Milosevic's Yugo Army." This was nothing but more irrelevant testimony that again had nothing to do with Milosevic.

It is amazing to me to watch so much time being wasted on irrelevant witnesses that don't even attempt to prove anything against Milosevic. This makes it all the more absurd that the so-called "trial" chamber gave the prosecution all of that extra time to "present evidence," which is something that they might want to consider doing some time. So far there has been no real evidence presented against Milosevic. Nothing that that so-called "prosecution" has done so far even comes close to proving that Milosevic is guilty of anything.

The last witness to testify was another Croatia witness named Josip Jocipovic. He was another 92-bis witness. The prosecutor read out a summary of his statement about some alleged events in Hrvatska Dubica, but he has not been cross-examined yet.

However from just what the prosecutor said I can see that this is another witness who does not have anything at all to do with Milosevic. This whole day, like many days before it, was a total waste of time for the prosecution. Slobodan Milosevic has successfully defeated the prosecution with every witness.