www.slobodan-milosevic.org – December 9, 2004


Written by: Andy Wilcoxson


Dr. Slavenko Terzic concluded his testimony at the Hague Tribunal on Thursday. Mr. Nice continued with his cross-examination by putting parts of the prosecution expert, Ms. Audrey Budding’s report, to the witness.


Mr. Nice would put an assertion made by Ms. Budding to Dr. Terzic and the defense expert would refute the point. Dr. Terzic would either point out the flaw in Ms. Budding’s reasoning, or he would cite his own sources to refute her claims.


In re-examination from Milosevic, the witness observed that Ms. Budding portrayed the war pitting the Fascist militias of the Bali Kombetar against the Partisans, in Kosovo after 1945, as being an “Albanian uprising, ” when it was really a continuation of World War II. Further adding that the Partisan commander in Kosovo was an Albanian.


Mr. Nice embarked on a unique method of cross-examination. He put questions to the witness, but would not allow him to answer the questions. Because of this technique a lot of time was wasted arguing with the witness who was insisting that he be permitted to give answers to the questions.


And why wouldn’t the witness protest? He had sworn an oath to “tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” It defies reason that the tribunal makes the witness swear an oath to tell the whole truth, and then won’t let him speak when he gets on the witness stand.


Mr. Nice brought up the International Crisis Group’s report again. Mr. Nice relied on the ICG report to say that Dr. Terzic was wrong in his claim that Albanians seek to establish Greater-Albania. Terzic responded by exhibiting the memorandum of the Albanian National Union Front which clearly states that the ICG is wrong, and that more than 80% of Albanians favor the so-called “unification of Albanian lands” or Greater-Albania.


Terzic also pointed out that Wesley Clark, the war criminal who commanded the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, sits on the board of the ICG. Dr. Terzic branded ICG report a “political pamphlet,” which had no value as a historical document. He said that the ICG was advocating the secession of Kosovo, which he noted is contrary to UN Security Council Resolution 1244.


Mr. Nice put a number of strange theories to Dr. Terzic during his cross-examination. Mr. Nice claimed that the 1981 riots in Kosovo were the result of a cockroach found floating in a bowl of soup in the Pristina University cafeteria. Dr. Terzic dismissed this idea out of hand, noting that the demand of the rioters was not better food in the cafeteria, but the secession of Kosovo from Serbia and the formation of Greater-Albania.


Mr. Nice also claimed that policemen from Serbia engaged in a conspiracy to organize the 1981 riots so that they could come into Kosovo and stop the riots. Dr. Terzic did not have an opportunity to fully address this claim during the cross-examination, because of Mr. Nice’s practice of asking questions and not letting the witness answer. But in re-examination by Milosevic this idea was put to bed. Dr. Terzic confirmed that Serbian police had no access to Kosovo in 1981, and the Serbian police who were sent to quell the riots were part of the Yugoslav government force that included policemen from all of the Yugoslav republics.


Milosevic’s re-examination also afforded Dr. Terzic a chance to respond to Mr. Nice’s insinuations that he was some sort of anti-Albanian racist. Dr. Terzic pointed out that his expert report and his testimony at the tribunal always drew a clear line of separation between Albanian terrorists, and the general Albanian population. Dr. Terzic observed data from 1998 showing that the largest share of the KLA’s victims was Albanian.


After Dr. Terzic concluded his testimony, another expert witness was called. Professor Cedomir Popov testified regarding the origins of the “Greater Serbia” myth. Prof. Popov, a member of the Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the writer of numerous books, taught for more than 40 years at Novi Sad University in Serbia’s northern Vojovodina province.


According to him, the “Greater Serbia” myth emerged in the mid-1800s at the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, when “every form of manifestation of the Serb cultural and spiritual identity or of Serb ethnic affiliation was painted as a conspiracy to create Greater Serbia.”


Professor Popov testified that, after the First World War, the “Greater Serbia” propaganda campaign was taken-over by Fascists, Nazis and Communists. He said that Western globalists wage the same propaganda campaign today.

Prof. Popov’s testimony will continue when the tribunal sits again next Wednesday.



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